As I already mentioned, I had last Saturday a look on what happened with the daily devotionals I posted last week in different groups.
Well, I was in for a disappointment.
▪︎ Many Group Administrators did not react, but just deleted all messages I posted to their group.
▪︎ Also a lot of them just let them be, and collected them in the file “pending messages”.
The result was that very many people never had the chance to read any of them.
As I already said in my previous update, I left all those groups, whose administrators or moderators made it by their actions very clear that my messages, or in fact I, am not welcome in their groups.
Apparently they rather like a group full of lies, fake messages, fake prophecies, and hundreds of requests for sharing nonsense, and asking for Amens.
Remains the question why they wanted me to become a member in the first place.