All that we are allowed to receive (here on earth, and later in eternity) flows from the inner movement of the grace and mercy of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the Triune God of Israel.
We ourselves cannot do anything at all, to get anything from Him. All the good works you may do to go to heaven, or receive anything from God have no influence.
It goes even further, even all the crimes you may have done in your life so far, are not the things that will lock you out from receiving from Him, or entering His Kingdom.
His grace, and the sacrifice that our Savior made for us at Golgotha, opened a way for us,
▪︎ A way for the wretched,
▪︎ A way for the unworthy,
▪︎ And a way for the poor.
He has opened a way for us …
▪︎A way of salvation for the lost.
▪︎A way of forgiveness for the guilty.
▪︎A way of peace for the weary.
All it needs is your decision to follow Jesus, and go the way He prepared for you.
When we are offered such rich grace, shall we not receive it with gratitude?
And shall we not go that way which He shows us?
What moved the Eternal Father to send His Son into the world?
▪︎ Was it not the love that the Eternal has for His own?
▪︎ Was it not His mercy that He has in His heart toward His people?
And what can we offer our Lord and Savior?
▪︎ Can we offer Him anything but our misery?
▪︎ Can we offer Him anything other than our unworthiness?
▪︎ Can we offer Him anything else than our sunken state?
No, also I have nothing to offer that makes me fit to draw near to Him.
▪︎ Not what I did for God’s glory, because I was unable to do anything if He Himself hadn’t worked it out through me.
▪︎ Not what I do, or try to do, because I cannot do anything without Him.
▪︎ Not my wisdom, because even the little wisdom that I may have I got from Him.
▪︎ Not my strength, because I am only weak, and dependent on Him, and on top of that, the little strength that I still have after the medical problems I experienced, I received from Him. If my Father did not give me some extra time, I would not be alive anymore. But He gave me some extra time, so I could warn you to walk in His ways.
No, I have nothing to offer that makes me fit to draw near to Him.
▪︎ Not even my intentions, because the plans I make will fall apart if He does not bless them.
▪︎ And also not my godliness, because it is shaky, and I constantly need His support.
No, there is absolutely nothing in me at all that makes me fit to approach Him.
But He Himself has opened a way for you and for me.
I may only draw near to Him,
▪︎ by virtue of His mercy and grace,
▪︎ by virtue of His finished work at Golgotha,
• with all my misery,
• with my helplessness,
• with my unworthiness,
• in my deeply sunken state,
• in my fallen state,
and because it was made available to you and me through the blood and love of the Lamb we may share in the redemption that.
No, there is nothing in myself, and neither is there in you, but it is only God’s grace and mercy, through which He looks on you and me me in His Son, that makes us fit to go to God, and through Jesus, to embrace His love.
For “He is able to save to the uttermost, all that come to God through Him.”
Are you in difficult circumstances right now?
Does it seem like everything is darkness around you?
Do you feel far from peace?
Are you feeling distressed, confused, and distraught?
Then you are someone for whom Jesus came!
There are unspeakable mercies for you locked up in God’s heart!
What does exclude you from His love?
What causes you to miss His Kingdom?
▪︎ Is it your sins?
Absolutely not, because God has forgiven you.
▪︎ Your unworthiness?
No; for a robe of righteousness has been prepared for you.
▪︎ Your lack of earnings then?
No; for Jesus’ merits are in your account.
▪︎ Your unholiness perhaps?
Not at all; for He also became your sanctification of God.
▪︎ Perhaps your ignorance?
Not that either; for he also has been given to you by God for wisdom.
No, none of these are the barrier that keep you out.
I will tell you what your barriers are:
● First of all your refusal to surrender to Jesus, and your refusal to pick up your cross, and follow Him.
● And secondly, when you do follow Him
• it is your self-righteousness
• your self-esteem
• your self-enhancement
• your pride
• your hypocrisy
• your audacity
• your having a name to live when in fact you are dead
• your having a form of godliness while you in fact are lacking it
• your false assurance
• and other things like these.
■ But helplessness, hopelessness, unworthiness, wretchedness, are far from barriers, rather these are aptitudes, a proof (when they are truly felt by the grace of the Spirit)
▪︎ that your name is written in the Book of life;
▪︎ that the Lord of life and glory has appeared in the world for you.
And sooner or later you will experience the pleasure of it in your heart, and be made competent,
▪︎ to praise and worship Him for His grace,
▪︎ and praise His Name for glorifying His love and mercy in your complete salvation.
Twitter: @SchoemakerHarry
Website 1: https://devotionals.harryschoemaker.nl
Website 2: http://bijbelplaatjes.nl
May God help us to walk His way
To go His way, and to stay close to Him, we indeed need His daily support and leadership.