Micah 6:3 KJV
O my people, what have I done unto thee?
And wherein have I wearied thee?
testify against me.
‘My people, what bad thing have I done to you?’ God asks. ‘How have I made you tired of me? Answer me.
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my people
The greatest aggravation of their sin, that God always treated them, and still treats them, as His people.
What have I done unto thee?
What have I done unto thee save kindness, that thou revoltest from Me (Jeremiah 2:5,31).
Wherein have I wearied thee?
What commandments have I enjoined that should have wearied thee as irksome (1 John 5:3)?
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What have I done unto thee?
Again the Lord acts as Prosecutor against His people.
He says it plainly: “Oh, my people, what have I done to you and with what have I tired you?
The Lord wants to say, have I given you one reason to make you tired of Me and turn away from Me and My service? And then He reminds the people of everything He has been for them, and what He has done for them.
I think it is a question that the Lord could ask us as well.
What has He done for you and for me?
▪︎ Isn’t He overloading us with His favors every day?
▪︎ Hasn’t He carried us, and helped us every day? With problems, with illness?
▪︎ Doesn’t He provide us daily with food and drink?
▪︎ Doesn’t He provide us with the necessary clothing?
▪︎ Hasn’t He given us a roof over our heads?
And what is more than all this, hasn’t He given us His Son?
His Only Begotten to let Him die for us, to let Him be crucified for us, to make atonement for us, lost sinners.
And still daily He sends out His loving invitation:
Matthew 11:28 KJV
Come unto me,
all ye that labour and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest.
You need Jesus to be saved!
Know that not even a great army can save a king, and a soldier does not stay alive because he is strong. In war, even strong weaponry is a false hope. You can not trust it to save you!
Remember, the Lord takes care of people who respect Him.
Those people trust Him for his special love.
They trust Him to keep them safe from death, and to keep them alive during a time of famine.
See Psalms 33:16-19
Turn to Me and be saved… “!
Who dares to accuse Him of injustice?
Who dares to continue living in rebellion against Him?
Blessed is he who loses himself to Him and confesses to the Christ: You alone are my salvation!
Testify against Me.
Although, we prefer not to say that openly, we all have days when we think that God is not doing well in our lives.
But if God were to sit in the dock, what would we blame Him for?
God gives Israel that chance. Testify against Me.
▪︎ Why do you serve idols? Have I left you? Didn’t I take care for you?
▪︎ What have I done to you, how have I tired you? Didn’t I lead you out of Egypt from the house of slavery? Didn’t I send Moses for you?
It will be clear that all our reproaches have no ground and that they all disappear in God’s sight like snow in the sun.
But the most impressive thing is surely this humble attitude of God.
To win us back, He is ready to sit in the dock.
And there you see a harbinger of what would soon happen with Jesus Christ.
Before Caiaphas and Pilate, He stood before us in the dock.
That’s what God did to win us back.
Jesus did that to free us from all guilt.
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