Luke 18:15-17 NASB
And they were bringing even their babies to Him
so that He would touch them,
but when the disciples saw it,
they began rebuking them.
But Jesus called for them, saying,
“Permit the children to come to Me,
and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive
the kingdom of God like a child
will not enter it at all.
Don’t be child-like.
Or don’t be so childish.
I think you absolutely don’t like it if someone says that to you.
You don’t want to be a child anymore.
You don’t act like a child anymore, because you’re (almost) an adult.
You feel, that primary school has been behind you, for a long time.
You feel, that only when you are grown up to an adult, you really count.
All of us used to say it often: Later when I grow up then…
Now you feel grown up, or you feel that you are already big, you are mature…
And now you are… Now you have to become a like a child again.
Yes, adults too have to become like children again.
This is a condition that Jesus sets Himself!
▪︎ Become like a child who fully trusts His Father.
▪︎ Become like a child who cannot live without His Father!
▪︎ Become like a child… cheerful and without doubt in faith.
No, yes but, if only… You may have your reply ready.
But Jesus says to all of us as a condition to enter into God’s Kingdom:
Believe in the Lord, in the same way as a child can believe.
This is what Jesus expects from us
▪︎ Do you trust the Lord like that?
▪︎ Do you then stop asking new critical questions?
You can only come to Jesus when you believe like a child!
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I will come to him, by his grace