No father gives his son a stone when he asks for bread.
Or a snake when he asks for a fish. (Luke 11:11)
The Folopa tribe in Papua New Guinea look upset to him when their translator reads and explains this text to them.
Why wouldn’t a father give his son a snake?
Isn’t that much better than fish?
The fish they catch in the river are very tiny creatures. They put them in a bamboo tube, cook them, and then eat them carefully, because they contain more bones than meat. Snake meat is much better meat. Why would that meat be forbidden?
It is clear that there is a cultural difference in the way snake meat is valued.
In Israel, snake meat is unclean, and in our western world, a venomous snake is about the scariest animal you can come across. Let alone you should eat it.
But in the Folopa culture, snake meat is considered a delicacy.
Besides this, meat and fish are just examples.
The point is that parents will never give their children anything that is bad or dangerous for them, especially if they ask for something good.
This comparison teaches us that our God is not an indifferent God far away, but rather a Father who gives the best to His child who asks.
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