In the Law it is written: “You shall have NO OTHER GODS before me”. (Exodus 20:3)
Do you have no other Gods before Him?
Now be honest!
▪︎ Do you really serve ONLY GOD?
▪︎ Do you really have NO OTHER gods before Him?
▪︎ How about sports? Maybe football, or basketball, or baseball?
▪︎ Are you glorifying a sport team or God?
▪︎ Is God really number one in your life?
Or is there something else that prevails over Him in your life?
Maybe you like watching TV, or playing computer games more than reading your Bible?
If so, then now is the moment to change that!
It takes your decision!
You need to put God on the first place in your life. You knew that, but you delayed. So don’t delay any further, and take that decision now.
Repent and let Him change your life!