Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in good health, even as thy soul prospereth. ( 3 John 1:2 )
This Bible verse is often used by prosperity gospel preachers as a PROOF that God only wants the best for us.
They like us to believe this, so they have a proof when they say that all Christians must BE RICH and will NEVER become SICK.
For when you become SICK, or are POOR, you are CURSED.
Something must be VERY WRONG with you, THEY SAY.
Emphasis on THEY SAY
For dear friends this is what THEY want you to believe,
but this is far from the truth.
It is not BIBLICAL AT ALL !!
In fact this verse is no more than a greeting from John to Gajus in a letter head. Like we may start a letter with “I wish this letter finds you in good health”.
Those prosperity preachers know this very well, but will NOT tell you, because an explanation as they give, fits much better in THEIR THEOLOGY.
This is by the way not the only place where they go wrong, so be warned for these wolves in sheep clothes.