You may think that you are doing okay. That your heart is fine… So I thought last year, but half an hour later I was in the hospital having a heart operation, and were doctors fighting for my life.
They called it a miracle that I survived, and although I am getting better day by day, also today I’m still not the man I once was.
Spiritually you too may think you are doing okay, while the reality is that you urgently need a new heart.
There will be a moment that God is going to show you the condition of your heart, and ask you what is it to you? And that moment may be right now.
▪︎ Does God really have a place in your heart?
▪︎ Is He really living inside of you?
▪︎ Is He really Lord and Master in your life?
Or did you only let Him in into a small side room of your heart, for cases of emergency, and the rest of your life is prohibited area to Him?
How can you tell me that you love Him and that you are ready to go when He returns, but you neglect Him day after day after day?
I tell you: If you don’t repent and return to Him, and give Him full control over your life, you will be left behind.
Luke 17:34-36
³⁴I tell you, on that night there will be two in one bed; one will be taken and the other will be left. ³⁵There will be two women grinding at the same place; one will be taken and the other will be left. ³⁶Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other will be left.
Be ready, be prepared, repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand. Don’t let God just be a co-driver in your life, but give the steering wheel to Him. And do it now!