“Hey, Hodi, I saw what you were doing there, that was thumbs up!
That was what is called: doing a good deed. Yes, but it is not always like that.
Everyone has it sometimes that you feel: What I’m doing now is not right, what I’m doing now is wrong.
Actually strange that I do it anyway. You know it’s not allowed, and you do it anyway.
Do you ever have that?
And do you also know that God sees those wrong things and that they are sins against God?”
“Oh yes, I know!”
“Do you know the Lord Jesus, and do you already know that He is the Savior Who will forgive all your sins?”
Then came the answer, “Yes, I know. I know He died for that.”
“How can you be so sure, and since when?”
“Oh, since the bee stung my mother!”
“What do you mean?”.
“Well, my mother had told me many times about the Lord Jesus, and about His death; and that He also wanted to be my Savior.
But I never really gave attention to that. Until one time, while my mother was in the kitchen and I was playing, when a bee came to me. I hit at him, again and again, and the bee grew more angry, and came closer and closer to my head. Then I ran to my mother and she put her arms around my head. I was safe with her.
But the bee stung mother very deep. “Now look, Hodi,” she said. “Here is the bee’s sting now; it cannot harm you anymore”. And that night she told me, “That’s right how it is with the Lord Jesus: He had to suffer a great deal and He wanted to bear our punishment on the cross; but we must honestly declare our sins to Him”.
“Then I did, oh yes; and while I still disobey sometimes, I know He is my Savior.”
In the Gospel, in the Bible, you can read more about the Lord Jesus, how He wants to make you happy too.