The calling of servant of GOD is not a call to please the World; it is a...
False messages
Sheep without Shepherd 2/2
1 min read
Harry Schoemaker
March 2, 2022
Matthew 9:36But when he saw the multitudes,he was moved with compassion on them,because they fainted,and were scattered...
Harry Schoemaker
January 5, 2022
Matthew 7:15 NASBBeware¹ of the false prophets²,who come to you in sheep’s clothing,but inwardly³ are ravenous⁴ wolves⁵....
Harry Schoemaker
March 23, 2021
Mark 13:22 For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to...
Harry Schoemaker
November 29, 2020
Only with an open heart do we understand the Bible.
Mark 8:10-21
Harry Schoemaker
August 28, 2020
Micah 3:5 KJVThus saith the Lord concerning the prophetsthat make my people err,that bite with their teeth,and...
Harry Schoemaker
March 20, 2019
There are churches where they do not preach what the Bible teaches us, but what the people...