Daniel 12:3
Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.
Jesus said, you have received it free, and free you shall give… Do not posses gold, not silver, neither copper.
Matthew 10:8-10
⁸Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. FREELY YOU RECEIVED, FREELY GIVE. ⁹DO NOT ACQUIRE GOLD, OR SILVER, OR COPPER FOR YOUR MONEY BELTS, ¹⁰or a bag for your journey, or even two coats, or sandals, or a staff; for THE WORKER IS WORTHY OF HIS SUPPORT.
And accordingly we read in Acts 3:6
But Peter said, “I DO NOT POSSESS SILVER AND GOLD, but what I do have I give to you: In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene – walk!”
Then what teaching allows the clergymen to sell their prayers for pieces of gold and silver?
You curse Judas because he sold his Master for a few pieces of silver, but you are hypocrites, for you bless those, who sell Him every day!
Judas had remorse and hanged himself for his wrongdoing, and that was wrong, but these “pastors” walk proudly, dressed with beautiful robes, or expensive suits, with shining crosses hanging over their chests.
Some of them even living in extraordinary luxury, while their neighbors are starving, and go hungry day by day. Even the proper spiritual food is withheld from them.
When you belong to that kind of church, than your souls are in the grip of those pastors, and your bodies are in the closing jaws of those rulers.
My friends, when you belong to that kind of church, then I ask you: do you really know that pastor you fear? (If he was a good pastor, you would not have to be afraid of him! )
▪︎ He is a traitor who uses the Gospel as a threat to ransom your money…
▪︎ He is a hypocrite wearing a cross, and using it as a sword to cut your veins…
▪︎ He is a wolf disguised in lambskin…
▪︎ He is a glutton who respects the tables more than the altars…
▪︎ He is a queer (strange) being, with an eagle’s beak, a tiger’s clutches, a hyena’s teeth and a viper’s clothes. ▪︎When he talks, he lifts his head towards heaven, but at the same time, his thoughts are crawling like snakes through your pockets.
▪︎ This is the man who sucks your blood…
▪︎ This is the “pastor” who makes the sign of the Cross with the right hand, and clutches your throat with the left hand…
▪︎ This is the “pastor” whom you appoint as a servant, but he appoints himself as your master…
Please make sure you visit a Bible believing church, and don’t follow some charlatan, who only preys on your money, and possessions.
The same, are also the men who are judging me, because my spirit revolts against the enemies of Jesus of Nazareth. Who loved all and called us brothers, and Who died on the Cross for us.
May God give us wisdom to understand His word.