1 Corinthians 15:20
But now Christ has been raised from the dead,
the first fruits of those who are asleep.
But now!
You have to pay attention to those two little words that start verse 20: “But now”.
In the verse before this, Paul says to the Corinthians: if Christ IS not risen, then we are to be pitied.
But now, now the situation is very different.
Now we who believe in Him are the happiest of all people.
People you can envy. For our Master is the Champion. He is Victorious! Stronger than sin and death.
Paul calls Christ the Firstfruits of those who
to be asleep. Israel always had to bring the first ripe stalks of corn to the temple. Those firstfruits were promising harbingers of the entire harvest.
In the temple they were moved back and forth.
They waved, so to speak, over all fields and houses.
So also the Lord Jesus Christ is the Firstfruits.
The First of all who shall rise forever.
He waves over all who sleep in Him.
Each cemetery thus becomes a garden full of future.
We have no8 some credit. The best will come soon.
“I live and you shall live,” says Jesus.