Hebrews 13:16
And do not neglect doing good and sharing,
for with such sacrifices God is pleased.
A little girl playing with her brother’s blocks was arranging them in various letter combinations. Suddenly she exclaimed, “O Mother, look, I can make two words out of this one I put together. See if I take GOOD, I can make it say GO and DO.”
The mother smiled her approval and thought to herself, “My child unknowingly has just preached to me a powerful sermon. As believers we too must translate our beliefs into daily practice. We must both go and do if we are to be good ambassadors for Christ.”
There is an old saying that “talk is cheap.”
We must therefore suit appropriate action to our words lest they be viewed by the world as simply pious platitudes. The genuineness of our gratitude for “so great salvation” is evidenced only when we live a Christ-centered, sacrificial life that extends itself in love to others.
The writer of Hebrews 13 therefore strongly cautions us against a mere theoretical
acceptance of divine truth that does not result in warmhearted giving, for he says, “To do good and to share, forget not!”
In his daily round of activity, the weakest, humblest believer may shed about him a wondrous light of blessing, not only by his kind words, but also by giving sympathetic attention to those who cross his pathway.
To all he must clearly mirror the attitude and actions of the Savior of whom it was said, “He went about doing good.”
Yes, to be a good Christian means that we are constantly looking for opportunities to go and do those things which will please the Lord.
To do good and share, pray forget not;
Your duty is plain here to see.
For God o’er such conduct rejoices
When men trace His goodness in thee.
Twitter: @SchoemakerHarry
Website 1: https://devotionals.harryschoemaker.nl
Website 2: http://bijbelplaatjes.nl