Revelation 3:20 (ISV)
“Look! I am standing at the door and knocking. If anyone listens to my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he will eat with me”.
It is not like some churches teach “All about the money” which usually has to flow into the pockets of millionaire pastors of mega churches; But as this verse shows: “It is all about relationship”.
If you repent from your sinful way of life, if you open up to Jesus
He WILL come in, and set you free, and be with you.
If you didn’t become a follower of the Christ yet then make this decision right now.
Ask God in prayer to forgive your sins. Be washed clean and start following Jesus on this very moment.
You don’t know how long you will still live. You might not even reach this evening.
You also don’t know know when Jesus returns, we only know that it will be on a moment we don’t expect. So wouldn’t you rather be ready and have your sins being forgiven?
So please don’t delay a moment longer!