I have received similar questions over the last weeks. So I decided to give a reaction here.
You told me that you are not a church member so it seems that you are a kind of freelance christian? Is it good to be out of church (denomination) or any christian congregation?
First of all I don’t know what a freelance Christian is 😉
Over the years I’ve been a member of different churches but all of them after some time kindly (often not so kindly) asked me to leave.
The last one even told me that they would phone the police if I would show my face again.
So not going to a church is not my own choice.
▪︎ One or two I could still go to if I would keep my mouth shut. But how can I stop talking about what the Christ has done for me.
▪︎ One or two I could still go to if I would stop sharing the Gospel outside the church. But how could I ever stop sharing what the Christ has done for me? How could I silently stand aside seeing people running towards their eternal destruction?
One church told me that I’m not holy enough to become one of their members.
One church told me that I could become a member if I would stop pointing at the differences between what the Bible teaches and what they are teaching.
I know that Paul calls on us not to forsake the meetings of the brethren.
But I also know he would shake the dust from his shoes as a testimony against them who would not welcome him and listen to the Gospel, and do what it says.
So the last decades I tell those who are eager to hear in the streets and on Internet. Trying to save some of them. Eventhough I know some are angry with me for doing so.