Mark 6:43 (AV)
And they took up
twelve baskets full
of the fragments,
and of the fishes.
A great crowd had followed Jesus to an inhospitable place to listen to Him. When this had been going on for a long time, His disciples speak to Him, saying, Master, let the crowd depart from you, for they will have to go a long way to buy food, and we don’t have it.
When asked how much food is available, they say five loaves and two fish.
And then the Lord let the crowd sit, prayed, and let the disciples begin to distribute. And, behold, all the crowd is supplied with bread and fish, and the distributors have twelve full baskets left.
At the end of the meal, there was more than at the beginning.
They, the twelve who had distributed, can eat plenty of it even now.
Can you perhaps also speak of such miracles in your life?
The older ones among us probably remember how in the last war, the little food or fuel they had was so blessed by God that they could do with it for a long time.
Many have started their life path with next to nothing, and now that they are at the end there is more than at the beginning.
And in a spiritual sense, the Lord can so bless one crumb of grace that we will have enough of it forever.
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Twitter: @SchoemakerHarry