Revelation 2:8-11
(8) To the angel of the church in Smyrna write: The first and the last, who was dead, and has come to life, says this: (9) I know your TRIBULATION and your POVERTY (but you are RICH), and the BLASPHEMY by those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN. (10) DO NOT FEAR what you are about to SUFFER. Behold, the DEVIL is about to cast some of you into PRISON, so that you will be TESTED, and you will have TRIBULATION for ten days. BE FAITHFUL UNTIL DEATH, AND I WILL GIVE YOU THE CROWN OF LIFE. (11) He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. HE WHO OVERCOMES will NOT BE HURT by the SECOND DEATH.
Isn’t this a completely DIFFERENT MESSAGE coming from the mouth of Jesus than what we hear today in the so called ‘PROSPERITY GOSPEL’ (also known as “NAME AND CLAIM” gospel)
Christian Internet groups are full of MISLEADING JUNK like “Tomorrow before 18:00 there will be a great blessing for you. God has it in store for you and it is for you to claim and you will receive it, if you send this message to 50 people within 20 minutes and write – I claim my share” sometimes even followed by a CURSE if you don’t do what they say.
It HURTS me every time again to see that admins of Christian groups allow this nonsense with a purely OCCULT BACKGROUND in their groups.
It hurts me to see how many people LIKE BLIND SHEEP follow the instructions given by a person who call themselves evangelists, bishops, apostles, prophets, pastors, or whatever.
When God wants to give you a blessing or do something for you He will do so WHEN He wants and HOW He wants. That is NOT depending on some words on Internet.
Jesus died for us to SET US FREE FROM SIN. Not so we can live in extreme luxury on earth, or that we can get what we want. As we read in these verses He died not even to live free from jail.
No, Jesus has a MUCH HIGHER GOAL and destination for us in mind. He wants us to live eternally WITH HIM IN HIS GLORY.
People with nice titles seem to have only one goal, and that is to feed GREED. While they themselves KNOW ALL TO WELL that GOD HATES THIS.
But they have fun in leading hundreds of people into doing what God hates. (love of money etc.)
In mean time I can only say: “Friends KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN and DON’T BE DECEIVED into following SINFUL actions”.