Micah 7:2 KJV
The good (or Godly, or merciful) man
is perished out of the earth:
and there is none upright among men:
they all lie in wait for blood;
they hunt every man his brother with a net.
There are no longer any people here who obey God. There are no good, honest people. Everyone is waiting to kill someone else. They are all like hunters, who try to catch each other.
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The good man
The Hebrew expresses “one merciful and good in relation to man,” rather than to God.
Is perished out of the earth
(Psalms 12:1).
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The good man is perished out of the earth
We should never underestimate the influence of a person or group of people on society.
Just look at what happened recently.
▪︎ A cry of fear is uttered,
▪︎ It is said that the majority of the people will be infected with a virus,
▪︎ It is said that a large percentage of the people who become infected will die as a result of it… and the media continued to spread fear, and to spread false information, making the people cry out for action.
While in the end it all turned out to be little more than an annual flu virus, the measures came and are still active, special emergency laws were made, with the result that now months later, we are still drastically limited in our social contacts, on punishment by hefty fines we are ordered to wear dust masks (yes, for that is what they are) which do not work against viruses, but which do increase the chance of getting sick by 50%. But.. if you would wear a medical mask that does work, you will also be fined for using it.
No, we should certainly not underestimate the influence of a person or group of people on society.
- That is why it is astounding what Micah tells about the society of his day.
- There are no more people who are “good”.
- There are no more people who seriously follow God and serve Him.
- There are no more people who are gracious and sincere.
When people do not practice faithfulness, love, justice, affection, and awe of God and neighbor. If this is no longer there, then everyone pursues only his own interest. A man then becomes not the brother, but the enemy of the other.
Micah 7:5 KJV
Trust ye not in a friend,
put ye not confidence in a guide:
keep the doors of thy mouth
from her that lieth in thy bosom.
- Friends can no longer be trusted,
- The relationships between parents and children have been thoroughly disrupted (Micah 7:6).
- Fear and contempt for each other determine the proportions.
- Family members become enemies.
It is the specter of a society without love that Micha paints.
The good, just, and pious people are like the leaven in the bread.
It permeates everything, and it may be individuals who create an atmosphere in which the love and commandments of God are the norm.
Let us pray for justice and loyalty among each other, and among the people of all nations
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The world is turning, help me to be faithful even to the point of death