Matthew 28:20 AV
Teaching them to observe all things
whatsoever I have commanded you:
and, lo, I am with you alway,
even unto the end of the world. Amen.
And behold, I am with you all the days until the end of the world. (Matthew 28:20)
Read: Exodus 33:12-17
Moses was a devoted servant of God.
Just think of the great miracles he was allowed to perform!
Now the people of Israel had just committed the great sin with the golden calf.
God had killed three thousand men in one day to sanctify the people again to himself.
Now the people had to move on again.
They knew where to: to the Promised Land.
This was not a dreamland, but reality, a land their fathers had already inhabited. And the way there was no problem, at least if you chose the way yourself…
But Moses had learned that the way God goes with His children is often different from the way we would choose for ourselves. It is often a difficult road, but at the same time also a road in which we learn a lot.
That is why Moses says, “If you yourself do not go with us, do not let us go from here.”
It’s really not just about getting to the Promised Land!
The way there and the inhabiting of the land has a much higher purpose than to live happily, being delivered from the slavery of Egypt!
God is not calling us from this world to just live a happy life in a dream world.
No, being chosen is not an end goal, but the beginning of an assignment that is never easy, but it is meaningful!
Whoever is concerned with the question of whether he has been chosen will not receive an answer from God.
Because being chosen is not for ourselves, but extends further: It is the beginning of the commission to live, devoted to God, for the world around us.
That is why Moses asked God, and we with him, to go with us all our lives, on our way to the Promised Land and forever.
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