Matthew 28:20 AV
Teaching them to observe all things
whatsoever I have commanded you:
and, lo, I am with you alway,
even unto the end of the world. Amen.
I am looking at you, to see you do your duty
There is a touching fact related in the history of a Highland chief of the noble house of McGregor, who fell wounded by two balls at the battle of Prestonpans.
Seeing their chief fall, the clan wavered, and gave the enemy an advantage.
The old chief, beholding the effects of his disaster, raised himself up on his elbow, while the blood gushed in streams from his wounds, and cried aloud, “I am not dead, my children; I am looking at you, to see you do your duty.”
These words revived the sinking courage of his brave Highlanders.
There was a charm in the fact that they still fought under the eye of their chief.
It roused them to put forth their mightiest energies, and they did all that human strength could do to turn and stem the dreadful tide of battle.
And is there not a charm to you, my friend, in the fact that you contend in the battle field of life under the eye of your Saviour?
Wherever you are, however you are oppressed by foes, however exhausted by the stern strife with evil, the eye of Christ is fixed most lovingly upon you.
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