Matthew 13:48
And when it was filled, they drew it up on the beach;
and they sat down and gathered the good fish into containers,
but the bad they threw away.
The parable of the fishing net is serious enough to give it attention again.
The image of sorting the fish represents the last judgment.
Throwing away the bad fish is the image of the punishment of the wicked. “And shall cast them into the fiery furnace; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
It is too terrible to think of, the punishment of the wicked.
And yet … let’s not close our eyes.
The fiery furnace … Isn’t death by burning not the most horrible death?
And the speed of the process will not help, because the fire will not be quenched. The Hell fire burns forever and digests without destroying.
Weeping and gnashing of teeth is the mood of the damned.
Many tears, but no consolation.
Self-blame, gnawing remorse will have teeth grinding as result.
I wish I had .., I wish Ihad …! Terrible fate.
Why would Jesus have shown it so sharp?
Because He wants us to consider it,
and because He wants us to be moved by the fear of the Lord to have faith.
No, Jesus is not soft in His dealings with sinners.
He honestly puts us to the question: “Where will you be in eternity?”