Matthew 13:48
And when it was filled, they drew it up on the beach;
and they sat down and gathered the good fish into containers,
but the bad they threw away.
The net is getting full.
When will that be?
Jesus says: That will be at the end of the ages.
In other words, when the net is full, when the last fish is caught, Jesus will return. Or vice versa: When Jesus returns, the net will be full.
With these words Jesus explains the course of history.
Why does history continue. Do you know why?
Because God does not want one person to be lost!
Because God wants you, me and others to be caught in the net of the Gospel. The net is not yet full. Not yet! There is still room left!
▪︎You are not overlooking that our life time is God’s fishing time, are you?
▪︎You are not overlooking the fact that we are meant to be ensconced in the nets of God’s grace, are you?
This parable is admonishing, but also encouraging.
Because it sometimes seems that the return of Jesus will never come. It takes so long. And you may sometimes wonder: does it still make sense to drag the net?
In the family? At school? At work? In the church? On the mission fields? Absolutely!
The end of the ages has not yet come.
The net is not yet full. It still has room. Even now!