Matthew 7:27 NASB
The rain fell, and the floods came,
and the winds blew
and slammed against that house;
and it fell-and great was its fall.
Fallen, and his fall was great.
Above the ground the foolish builder’s house looked similar to the wise builder’s house .
The difference was underneath the house.
The wise builder had built on the rock.
The foolish builder had built on the sand.
When the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew, the difference became manifest.
The wise builder’s house stood, but the foolish builder’s house fell, and his fall was great.
At the end of life comes the judgment of God.
▪︎ Woe to those who build their house of life outside the Rock, outside the Christ.
▪︎ Woe to those who expect a little religion and good works will be enough.
Their house of life will collapse. Lost forever.
Blessed are those who by grace may build their house of life upon the Rock, upon the Christ.
That house will not fall, for it is founded on the Rock.
We are by nature foolish builders.
It’s a miracle when it is different.
Do you see your image in the foolish builder, or do you see your image in the wise builder?
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