Matthew 7:4 NASB
Or how can you say to your brother,
“Let me take the speck out of your eye,”
and behold, the log is in your own eye?
It does not take much effort from us to discover faults and flaws in other people.
The sins of others are great in our eyes.
We are at least naturally very inclined to overlook our own sins, to excuse them, and to magnify and exaggerate those of others.
When we do this, we are hypocrites, saith the Lord Jesus.
And yes, we really are.
Whoever discovers this in the spotlight of God’s Word and Spirit will indeed see the beam in his own eye.
A beam … !
It is quite something, to have a beam in your eye.
Then you will not be able see anything anymore.
Yes, when you realize that you have a beam in your own eye, you will also realize how blind you really are.
Then a prayer is born in your heart, asking the Lord to take that beam away.
And when that happens, you will be able to see your own sins, and see how very great they are.
Then the sins which you see in others are but splinters indeed, compared to the beam in your own eye.
This made Paul confess that he was the greatest of sinners.
Then… How great becomes the need and wonder of Divine mercy in Christ.
Christ alone can remove that beam.
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