Life of Grace.
2 Corinthians 4:10 KJV
Always BEARING ABOUT in the body
the dying of the Lord Jesus,
that the life also of Jesus
might be made manifest in our body.
We may bear about the memory of it.
Nothing can be more plain than that we should never forget our Redeemer’s death.
When someone very near to you died, after the first shock was past, you could again with some measure of calmness set yourself to your common duties again, but still you felt the sorrow in the quieter moments, realizing that you had not quite got over it, and are still suffering under your trial.
You were were still bearing about with you the dying of the dear one that was gone.
It had a visible influence on your life.
In a similar way we may bear about the remembrance of our Lord’s death. It should have a great, and visible, influence all our views and doings.
The kind mother who wore out her life in toiling for her child, might well think that her child might sometimes come, and stand by her grave, and remember her living kindness, and her dying words, while she was far away.
▪︎ when we think what our Saviour Christ has done for us by His dying,
▪︎ when we think that every hope, every blessing, was won for us by that great sacrifice
We surely will never shall live as if His death had never been!
You may hear people say,
▪︎ that this world has never been the same to them since this loved One died,
▪︎ that their whole life has been changed since then.
Some Christians may even use similar words for their deceased partner or child.
How terribly hard can it be to miss a loved person, but in the same time it is sad to see a Christian living in such a fashion, as to show that he or she has quite forgotten how his or her Redeemer died!
- When we think of sin, let us see it in the light of Christ’s death, and hate it because it nailed Him to the cross.
- Or is it suffering and sorrow that came to us, and are we ready to repine and to rebel? Then let us call to mind the dying of our Redeemer, and it will not seem so hard that the servant should fare no better than the Master.
- Or are we pressed with the sense of our sinfulness and the fear of God’s wrath for sin? Then let us remember how Jesus died for us, the just for the unjust, and how His blood can take all sin away.
Let us always bear about in the body the dying of our Lord Jesus.
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