Matthew 6:34 NASB
So do not worry about tomorrow;
for tomorrow will care for itself.
Each day has enough trouble of its own.
How much we need this reminder again and again on our life path!
How much can we worry.
As if the arrangement of our fate, the lives of those we love, and the interests we hold dear, were placed in our hands.
As if we, who cannot foresee a day ahead of what circumstances will bring us, have to control it all.
How much comfort do we miss, in thus weighing ourselves down with the interests of ours, and those dear to us, and forgetting that they are best of in God’s hands.
▪︎ Those who do not know our faithful God
▪︎ The Gentiles in Jesus’ day,
▪︎ The many who live without God in this world,
▪︎ Of course they only seek their salvation in their own involvement.
▪︎ Of course they have a lot to complain about
▪︎ Of course they have a lot to be concerned about.
But we who believe?
Your Father knows what you need.
So he will take care of you.
We know that too…
Although we keep going out of our way with Him, again and again.
Though the joy often fades into the background of the lives of the children of God, to bring the concern to the foreground, just as with those who know no Father, it predominates.
Let us seek the face of our God, that His light and love may shine in our hearts. So that our countenances may reflect our royal heritage.
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