Matthew 2:22 NASB
But when he heard that Archelaus
was reigning over Judea
in place of his father Herod,
he was afraid to go there.
Then after being warned by God in a dream,
he left for the regions of Galilee,
After Herod’s death, the empire was divided among his three sons: Archelaus, Antipas, and Philip.
Though for some reason Joseph felt compelled to go to the territory of Judah, yet he feared Archelaus son of Herod, who had become ethnarch in his stead over Judea, Idumea, and Samaria.
For it was known that this Archelaus followed in his father’s footsteps, lest he be mistaken for an illegitimate son of Herod.
He began his reign by storming the temple, where he massacred the rebellious Jews.
Here Joseph received a message from heaven for the fourth time in a dream, whereupon he settled in Nazareth in Galilee.
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