Christmas, crucifixion
Matthew 2:11 NASB
After coming into the house
they saw the Child
with Mary His mother;
and they fell to the ground
and worshiped Him.
Then, opening their treasures,
they presented to Him gifts of
gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
They brought Him gifts.
A nice start. Gifts for a King.
The first clear recognition of the Christ.
▪︎ The shepherds had only looked.
▪︎ Herod had bad plans.
▪︎ The Chief Priests and Scribes were not really interested.
These strange foreigners turned out to be wise.
They let themselves be led, and showed their submission.
They are a sign that the whole earth belongs to King Jesus.
And also that human wisdom must kneel before Him.
What do those gifts mean? That the best of the earth belong to the coming King.
This little child is immediately entitled to all those treasures. Without delay.
Do you also take that into account?
Is He at the forefront of your budget?
Or is He the easily forgotten closing post? And are the leftovers of our consumption for the church, diaconate and mission?
Kneeling and giving belong together.
Twitter: @SchoemakerHarry
Website 1: https://devotionals.harryschoemaker.nl
Website 2: http://bijbelplaatjes.nl
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