The toddlers play there.
Like nozems race on their mopeds, these 4 and 5 year old boys race on their scooters.
In general, they stick to their parents’ command to “stay on the sidewalk”. Occasionally one in His enthusiasm forgets the parental admonition. For example, little James, suddenly goes across the road in front of a car, that nearly hit him.
A startled passer-by shouts anxiously: “Boy, be careful! If you had gotten under that car, you could have been killed!”
Little James, not in the least shocked, answers laconically: “Well, what would that be? When I’m dead, won’t I go to the Lord Jesus?”
Indeed, the little fellow is right about this statement.
It took his parents a lot of effort to make him understand that he should not be reckless for that reason. Mom and Dad would like to keep him with them.
Five-year-old James has a wonderful life.
Yet for him death – the entrance to eternal life – would be gain.
How much more will many chronically ill believers, who have a difficult life, sigh with Paul: “to die is gain for me”.
Yet God still leaves them on earth. Why?
Because the task He has given to them is not yet finished.
So let all of us, whether sick or healthy, be gratefully accepting each day from God’s hand. And do what our hand and heart find to do every day, to the glory of God and the blessing of our fellowmen.
Twitter: @SchoemakerHarry
Website 1: https://devotionals.harryschoemaker.nl
Website 2: http://bijbelplaatjes.nl