The natural heart
Every person experiences a period of rest in his life at some point.
I do not mean the vacation time, but an imposed rest, in which you cannot move forward or backward. You’re on a chain, so to speak.
That can be the case if you are bound to bed due to illness and the like. Apart from pain, weakness, fever, etc., no one desires such a forced rest. Especially when you are still in the prime of your life.
After all, it is normal for the engine to run at “full speed ahead”. Then at least you achieve something; that gives satisfaction and you do not have the idea of being disabled.
To the burden of many and to the benefit of no one.
This is how you can view it. But it is only one side.
A rest period can also be helpful.
Incorporated into society, we are sometimes lived by others. We chase from one thing to another. Restless, without time to think about the meaning of our life; without bothering to think about life’s purpose.
A time of reflection on these things is needed.
Perhaps it was the only means God could use to make you stand still and think. Certainly there is a lot to think about.
Childhood memories, pleasant and less pleasant. Life after that.
How has it been? For your family, for your fellow men, for God?
You may know to be a child of God, but you often have made mistakes, or worse.
Then let God have His way. He has a purpose for your enforced rest. Your conscience may need to be shaken. If you’ve found out the wrong thing, the sins in your life, then confess them before God. Then you will afterward thankfully think back to this forced break.
It may also be that you have always lived without God. That’s bad. It is specially then that God has something to say to you today. He wants to work on your heart through the Holy Ghost, to convince you of your sins, of His righteousness, and of judgment. Let God deal with you.
Give Him your sin-tainted heart and life. Through Jesus Christ He makes them completely different, completely new, suitable for heaven, because the blood of Jesus, God’s Son, cleanses from all sin.
Lord, if You choose the bed, or infirmary, for me as the classroom,
teach me that a child of yours never loses in that.
Twitter: @SchoemakerHarry
Website 1: https://devotionals.harryschoemaker.nl
Website 2: http://bijbelplaatjes.nl