It is apparently time to say goodbye to a number of groups on Facebook again.
Why you ask?
Well to go short, because I have something better to do than writing and posting messages to groups of which the admins just leave them in pending posts, or delete them.
You wonder why they are deleted?
▪︎ Because all Bible verses are not quoted from the King James Version.
Well, we all know that the KJV is a generally accepted translation, but we also know that it is not in all cases the best translation. But using an other translation, or showing the same verse in different translations is punished by deletion of the message, or even removal of the writer from the group.
These groups I will leave the coming week.
▪︎ Because one day the message contains a study, and an other day it may contain a short sermon, devotional, testimony, or a story to clarify the principles of the Gospel, or only a sermon outline; and some days even a mixture of those.
• So one day the study is removed because they don’t want studies in their group.
• An other group deletes the devotionals, because they only want short sermons.
• And again an other doesn’t want short sermons, testimonies, clarifications, sermon outlines, or tips for pastors and laypersons.
These groups I may leave the coming week as well, and in some I will degrade myself from writer to reader.
▪︎ And the strangest of all, because I don’t like to use titles anymore.
I still have some old calling cards that say Rev. dr. Harry Schoemaker or Rev. H. Schoemaker M.Div., D.Min., D.D., but I don’t like people to adres me with Reverend, or Pastor. Brother is good enough. They however want people to use their titles. Maybe to have a status for their group? (I left them already).
So to different groups it will be goodbye the coming week, and you now know why you won’t see me there anymore.
Thank God and thank you so much brother Harry for accepting me. Takd care and stay safe always.
You are most welcome