Luke 24:48 NASB
You are witnesses of these things.
You can be a witness many things throughout your life.
▪︎ Of beautiful things and of ugly things
▪︎ Of nice things and of bad things
▪︎ Of happy things and of sad things
▪︎ Of joyful parties and of grief
However, this text is about witnessing very different things.
▪︎ Of the things of God’s Kingdom.
▪︎ Of the things that happened with and through Jesus Christ.
The apostles are called to proclaim these great things in the world.
They have been ear and eye witnesses. They know about things.
In the same way, every child of God, gains more or less knowledge of the great deeds of God in Jesus Christ. That is a wonderful miracle.
However, they do not have that treasure to keep for themselves.
The Spirit of the Lord has given you knowledge of it, and now you must also propagate it in a world that is in evil, and is lost as a result.
Are you already such a true witness?
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