Luke 24:45 NASB
Then He opened their minds
[to help them] to understand the Scriptures,
Then He opened their understanding, He helped them to understand God’s message in the Bible.
As we read this text, some may wonder if the disciples did not know the scriptures.
Of course they did! And yet, understanding the scriptures, to the depth that was needed, they did not. The Scriptures are now really opening up to them, so they started to understand the events of the last days.
How’s that for you?
Do you understand what you are reading?
Or are you perhaps just like the Ethiopian, who needed Philip’s explanation?
Acts 8:30 KJV51
And Philip quickly walked over there
and heard him read the prophet Isaiah
and said, Do you understand what you are reading?
Note, that not the events, the things that had happened, made the Scriptures understood by them, for they still did not understand when they went on their way to Emmaus. No, it was the Christ, Who opened their minds, through the working of His Spirit.
Through the spiritual understanding of the Scriptures, light shines on the suffering and death, and the resurrection of the Christ.
That is still the case today.
We may know a lot about and from the Bible,
and yet not understand the things in their true deep true sense.
Then it is necessary that our minds are opened and enlightened by God’s Spirit.
Then we get to know,
▪︎ we get to know ourselves,
when light falls on the way and guidance of the Lord in our lives.
▪︎ and we come to know Him, Who is the Way, the Truth and the Life, Jesus the Christ, the crucified and risen Savior.
We do not need human knowledge, so that you can recite whole parts of the Bible, but we need understanding, that has been irradiated with divine light, so that we can understand the deeper meaning of the texts.
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