Luke 24:34 NASB
“The Lord has really risen
and has appeared to Simon.”
What a miracle of grace it is, that it was Simon, who saw the risen Christ first. It is this appearing, which, with one mouth, is mentioned by the disciples, to emphasize the resurrection.
It speaks of the special work that the living Lord has done for him. That was not Peter’s merit. Nor it happened because he just happened to be first on the list. On the contrary, it was the other way around.
Of all the disciples, the Lord first appears to Him because He had fallen so deep.
It is also not without reason that it says “Simon”, for by that name (His real name was Simon Barjona, see Matthew 16:17) he had come out after denying his Master three times.
How deep the suffering Christ had gazed into his heart.
Yes, in that look, Peter had already read the love, that had held him, in spite of everything.
It was he, who needed this special appearance the most.
It is impossible to say how great it was for him, to meet Him himself.
This shows how deep the love of the Risen Lord is.
He has the most care, for those who fell deep.
He visits the most distressed.
You, who seek God in all your sorrow, hold on, take courage, your heart will be happy again.
2 Chronicles 16:9 KJV51
The eyes of the Lord go all over the earth,
to assist them vigorously,
whose heart goes out completely to Him.
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