Luke 24:34 NASB
“The Lord has really risen
and has appeared to Simon.”
The Lord has truly risen …
This is the Easter message that comes from the heart and mouth of the disciples.
The two disciples who went to Emmaus, who saw Him as the Living, rushed back to Jerusalem to tell the others. Their hearts were so full that fatigue no longer played a role in returning to the city.
But when they came in, the disciples were already ahead of them.
The Lord has really risen!
The angels at the opened tomb preached Him like that. “The risen Lord”.
The assembly is now also allowed to do so.
There cannot and may not be a question mark behind His resurrection.
It seemed that He was trapped within the gates of death and grave.
But He destroyed the one who had power over death.
Now death had to step aside for Him, to emerge victoriously.
The world doesn’t believe it.
Many today try to keep it out of focus, turning Easter, the Resurrection feast, into a feast of Easter eggs, Easter bunny, and Easter branches.
But the truth of His resurrection cannot be destroyed.
What comfort lies now in the heart, which is so often tossed back and forth, and so often lacks strength.
Really risen!
Therein also lies the guarantee of life, that the Holy Spirit, through battle, makes alive in His own.
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