Be sober, well balanced and self-disciplined, be vigilant, be alert and cautious at all times. That enemy of yours, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, fiercely hungry, seeking someone to devour. But resist him, be firm in your faith against his attack (rooted, established, immovable), knowing that the same experiences of suffering are being experienced by your brothers and sisters throughout the world (You do not suffer alone).
(See 1 Peter 5:8-9)
Everything goes to the end. The end is near
1 Peter 4:7 KJV
But the end of all things is at hand:
be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer.
In addition, the devil also goes around like a roaring lion to see who he can devour.
The devil is as he is called (diabolos [gr.]).
He makes people drift apart and brings separation.
In addition, in the Bible he is also the accuser (satan) who seduces people into sin(s) and subsequently charges them. Knowing that the end is also drawing to a close, he goes to great lengths to destroy God’s work of salvation. And with that he is targeting you and me.
Fortunately, we know that Jesus is the Conqueror and that Satan’s defeat is certain.
Eventually he will be thrown into “the lake of fire and sulfur” and tormented there day and night for all eternity
Revelation 20:10 AMP
And the devil who had deceived them
was hurled into the lake of fire and burning brimstone (sulfur),
where the beast (Antichrist) and false prophet are also;
and they will be tormented day and night,
forever and ever.
I have seen that based on this verse T-shirts are sold that read, “The next time Satan reminds you of your past, remind him of his future.” Challenging!
In the meantime, you have to be careful not to get too overconfident. We are not too good for anything. That is why it is necessary to always take shelter with Jesus and to be sober and watchful. Don’t be fooled!
PS. Make it your habit to check out my website, as without any good reason my pages or account on Facebook may be gone again.
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