Dear friends,
David, was convinced of his sin, and poured out his soul to God in prayers for mercy and grace. What a great example for us all to follow..!!
When you are backsliding, you should be occupied with only one desire, which is: to return to the previous relationship you had with your Lord. For where else could you go, but to your Lord? He alone can heal you from sin. And when you really repented of your sins, you will not be ashamed for it.
David, during his life, also instructed others what to do, and what to say.
David has not only done much, but he also suffered much in the cause of God; yet he always fled back to God’s infinite mercy, and depended upon God’s grace and mercy alone for pardon and peace. David had this assurance, while Jesus had not yet come. How much more can we have this assurance now we have heard of what Jesus has done for us.
David begged for the pardon of sin, and lived in such close relationship with the Father, that God called him His friend.
▪︎ Now the blood of Jesus has flown,
▪︎ Now the most precious blood was sprinkled on the altar for our sins,
▪︎ Now the sacrifice of the Christ has blotted out our transgressions,
▪︎ And now we have been reconciled with God
All the followers of the Christ
▪︎ are longing to have their whole debt of sin to be blotted out,
▪︎ are longing to see every stain of sin on their life to be cleansed;
And by God’s love and Jesus’ sacrifice you indeed can be thoroughly washed from all your sins, if you let Him, and if you fully surrender to Him.
▪︎ the hypocrites always have some secret reserve,
▪︎ the hypocrites always have some favorite lust spared.
Please don’t be such a hypocritical person.
David had a deep sense of his sin.
Continually he was thinking of it, with sorrow and shame.
And I ?
I have a deep hatred towards sin, and anything that tries to come between me and my Master. And I really hope it is the same with you. When you don’t, and you willfully sin, you deny your God, and deal deceitfully with Him.
David confessed his sin and corruption.
And likewise should you and I confess it all to Jesus, to get rid of the foolishness which is bound in the heart of a child,
▪︎ that prones to evil,
▪︎ that moves away from what is good.
David was encouraged, in his repentance, by the hope that God would graciously accept him. Now however, after Jesus explained to us about the Kingdom of God, we know that we have, since the veil was cut in the temple, a free entrance to the Father.
▪︎ When you come in real repentance, the Father will show real compassion.
▪︎ When you come to Him in truth, the Father will give you wisdom.
▪︎ When sincerely endeavour to do your duty, the Father shall teach you your duty.
▪︎ And when you not only hear what Jesus said, but also do it, you may expect only that, what is good for you from Him. And God’s Divine grace shall wipe away your corrupt nature.
Internet: harryschoemaker.nl
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