Water is so necessary to us, that we cannot live without it. Likewise, God’s Spirit is an absolute necessity for us, without whom we cannot live by faith or in holiness.
Many have died from lack of water. Likewise many perished, and many more will perish, for not drinking of the well of life.
Water is available to everyone and freely accessible. Likewise, the blessing of the Holy Ghost is not bound by place, is not reserved for any particular group, and is available to everyone.
To get water all we have to do is open the tap, everything else it took to make it available has already been done by others. Likewise, to receive the Holy Spirit all we need to do is open our hearts to Him, everything that needed to be done further has already been accomplished by Him.
A river contains a lot of water, sometimes almost immeasurable amounts. The Holy Spirit is spoken of as a river to indicate, among other things, the continuous flow.
Over the years millions have drunk from Earth’s rivers and many plants have derived their nourishment from them. In the same way, there is life for millions in the Holy Spirit.
Stagnant water is much easier to freeze than running water. Likewise it is with those who no longer let the streams of living water flow through them. There may be a hardening that makes it very difficult for you to get moving again.