Is faith only needed in Jesus to be forgiven of sins?
Yes, and no. Besides faith you must also come to repentance and conversion.
What is repentance?
Repentance is the sadness because of the wrong things you have done.
Some people however, are only sad because of the consequences of sin.
If they could live on, without those nasty consequences and the punishment that sin brings, they would happily sin again. This is not true repentance! Real repentance has a horror of sin itself. Not just of the consequences
As a human being you are actually unable to truly repent, but when you pray for it, you receive it as a gift from God
What is conversion?
This word is related to reversing, going into the opposite direction.
Before your conversion were you always busy satisfying your own desires, after your conversion you keep asking: “Lord what do you want me to do?”
You have faith, remorse, and repentance, but is this a guarantee that you will actually become a different person?
No, not on its own. These things are the human side of the matter.
There is also God’s side, you must be born again.
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