Spreading the Gospel again.
It took some time to recover from the heart attack and the cardiac arrest, but as soon I was able to put a few steps outside, I talked to people around, told them what happened to me, and about the fact they urgently had to get ready to meet their creator.
When I could walk a little further, it were the personnel of the shops I used to come, who heard the same story and warnings.
In fact in a few months time everybody with whom I came into contact, had heard it at least once. From the fish salesman to taxi driver who brought me to hospital. From the greengrocer to the neighbor.
I spoke to my wife about who else I could still tell that they have to change.
Then it came up to give Bijbelnet a restart, or start something similar. And they said “Make an account on Facebook!”
I thought this would not work, as I remembered to well what happened with my previous accounts. As soon as I reached some 80 to 100 friends, Facebook would delete the account.
And while the account existed, I most of the time could not write anything because of being blocked continually.
But… I decided to give it a try, and opened a new account. It had only 4 friends, but I put a first message on March 28 (2019).
What happened was like an explosion. Within 3 days the account reached the maximum of 5.000 friends.
I opened a second account and the same repeated itself.
This happened two more times, and so in medio April my daily devotionals were going to 20.000 people.
I was invited to a group, and I posted my messages there as well. After this many more invitations to join groups came, and I accepted them all. I also asked to join some groups. And for a time it went all nicely. Some people even told me that they became members of those groups because I was writing there.
I was asked in different groups to become an admin and in a few I accepted the invitation.
But then the atmosphere changed.
▪︎ In one group where I became an admin, one of the other admins deleted my messages because he didn’t agree with the contents.
I didn’t like that so I laid down the function of admin, so they could decide whether or not they would allow the message in their group, before they were published.
▪︎ In an other group where I even was given the leadership over the group and other admins, they wanted me to change the contents of my messages, but as I did not want to do so, as the messages were not just coming from my imagination, the atmosphere changed, and they managed to make me feel very unwelcome. So in the end I decided to leave the group.
▪︎ Also I was removed from groups for using different Bible Translations.
In one group I was allowed to use only the KJV in an other group only the NIV, and so on.
Disappointing, but in my opinion salvation is not depending on a certain translation or church denomination, so I did not change, resulting in being kicked out.
When this happened I could also not contact the people anymore who had become a member of their groups because they wanted to follow my daily messages.
So I started my own group and put the name of my group in the bottom of my messages, so, if for some reason the contact broke, people were still able to reconnect.
This however was reason for some to disapprove the messages, so they would not be published in the groups anymore, and for some groups it was reason enough to kick me out.
Still the number of people who could read my messages was continually growing.
But as I already had experienced in different churches, also Facebook found a way to keep the message of redemption and salvation away from the people.
What I write seems to be somehow against Facebook’s policy, and so they now blocked me from writing or reacting in any group but my own.
Bringing the number of people who can read the devotionals down from over 10 million to a mere 1.000.
By now all my devotionals are also on my website, so if Facebook would decide to close my accounts, like they did before, you can still find them at http://harryschoemaker.nl
And if you would like to join my group “The Worldwide Ekklesia”. You are most welcome.
As I said, I was a member of a great number of groups where I posted my daily Bible devotionals, but when more than 10 million people could read my daily messages, Facebook got nasty with me, and did not allow me to post the messages anymore in other groups.
So with one touch of a button they reduced the number of those who can read the messages from over 10 million, to some 1.000 people, and doing so, caused that millions do not see my messages anymore.
So to those people who were asking why I stopped writing.
Well I did not stop writing, for the true Gospel has to sound forth, but Facebook stopped me from posting in other groups.
I still post my messages on my website https://devotionals.harryschoemaker.nl
you can also find them on http://harryschoemaker.nl under devotionals, and on this group “The Worldwide Ekklesia”. If you follow me on Twitter (@schoemakerharry) you will get a message when the website is updated.
The group “The Worldwide Ekklesia” is my own group, and so in this group you will, as long as Facebook allows me, find all of my messages. If you join, you don’t have to miss any of them, I post at least one and maximum 3 messages every day.
And please, when you joined my group, also think of your friends who cannot see the messages in the other groups anymore, and invite them to join as well.