There are buildings, of which people who go there will tell you “We are going to church!” But are they? You tell me!
(Now dont interrupt me to tell me the difference between the church and a churchbuilding; I know that)
□ The appearance of the building looks just like a church.
□ People are meeting there, just like in a church meeting.
□ People are singing songs there, just like in a church meeting.
□ One person will read a part from the Bible, just like in a church meeting.
□ One person will preach a “sermon”, just like in a church meeting.
□ At the end people will receive a blessing, just like in a church meeting.
It all looks JUST LIKE A CHURCH, so what is the problem?
Just because it looks so much like a church, it is so treacherous, especially to those who are still new in the faith.
Believe it or not, but there is in some of these buildings an extremely big problem. All may look similar to ordinary churches, but the problem starts with one person in this building. Generally he will call himself pastor, apostle, bishop, or any other name of which that person thinks he can obtain authority.
The problem is what this person teaches.
In a “church” with such a leader, the attendants will FEEL AT HOME, and really LIKE TO GO THERE, for their “pastor” will NOT preach what the Bible teaches us, but tell them exactly WHAT THEY LIKE TO HEAR.
And because such a “pastor” will tell his audience exactly what they like to hear, these places are often “churches” with many members.
But I wonder if those members were EVER confronted with the fact that although they may have a GOOD FEELING about themselves, they are running, with that good feeling, STRAIGHT TOWARDS HELL.
MANY OF THEM are there, without EVER being warned for the danger they are in.
Their “ministers” who only speak what people like to hear are just like clouds without water (Jude :12). They seem to be of some substance, but don’t water the land.
2 Timothy 3:5 — HAVING A FORM OF GODLINESS, but denying the power thereof: FROM SUCH TURN AWAY !!
“Brother”, they say, “when I’ve been there, I’m always FEELING GOOD and blessed, but when I listen to you, I FEEL GUILTY and IN NEED OF FORGIVENESS. What FEELING do you think I like best?”
Did you EVER consider, that the uneasy feeling you have after reading my messages, might be GOD’S SPIRIT knocking on the door of your heart?
Matthew 18:14 – Even so it is NOT the will of your Father which is in heaven, that ONE of these little ones should PERISH.
GOD DOESN’T WANT you to end up in hell, but you will,
• if you don’t repent of your sins,
• if you don’t walk the narrow way,
• if you don’t follow Jesus!
God has put His WRATH on your sins on Jesus.
He died for YOU!
He took YOUR punishment, but if you REJECT His GRACE, you are going to pay for it YOURSELF!
I’m afraid that many in those “churches” is never told what the Gospel REALLY means. The here and now, seems to be more important to them than eternity. Well, it is exactly what I always say: It is a matter of choice. In this case YOUR CHOICE.
Once again, the Gospel has nothing to do with material blessings, but it has all to do with YOUR ETERNAL WELLBEING!
Those “ministers” may seem to have some substance, it may even look like they are super holy; but they DON’T WATER THE SOULS in their congregations. The souls in those “churches” are STARVING but get NO SPIRITUAL FOOD.
They try to fill the emptiness inside with material blessings, but they can’t. NOTHING on this earth can! You hear me? NOTHING except Jesus can satisfy the longings of your soul!
In many of these kind of so called “churches” people feel at home; they go there with pleasure, but do NOT realize that they are not spiritually fed.
They are singing ‘Hallelujah’ but do not realize that they are on the broad way that leads them straight to hell.
And in the end we may fear that MANY OF THEM, although they had such a GOOD feeling, are NOT FIT to enter God’s Kingdom.
Are you?
If not then surrender to the Christ right now! And follow Him!
You want my advice?
● If you are a member of such kind of church than RUN..!
Go there where they dare to warn you for danger!
Your temporary stay here on earth is not just to relax and enjoy, but to make your choice where you want to be in eternity!
● If you are such kind of a “minister” who only preaches health, wealth, and prosperity than repent, ask God to forgive you, and stop lying to your congregation! Start preaching the WORD as it is found in the BIBLE!