Psalms 126:1-6
(1) When the Lord brought back the captive ones of Zion, We were like those who dream.
Yes when God brings you back it is so great, you can hardly comprehend it.
(2) Then our mouth was filled with LAUGHTER And our tongue with JOYFUL shouting; Then they said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them.” (3) THE LORD HAS DONE GREAT THINGS FOR US; We are glad. (5) Those who SOW IN TEARS shall REAP WITH JOYFUL SHOUTING. (6) He who goes to and fro WEEPING, carrying his bag of seed, Shall indeed come again WITH A SHOUT OF JOY, bringing his sheaves with him.
Yes God is good indeed!
Without Him I would not be around today.
Six times He has saved my life !
And indeed I have cried a lot because I have hurt my Savior so bad with my sins and I’ve cried a lot because of the many who refused to follow Him, but instead attacked Him choosing for themselves the way to destruction.
I also have cried over them who instead of humbling themselves before my God, raised themselves in a haughty spirit and attacked me and the word I preached.
But I know that God kept me alive to share His message and I know that soon the time of great joy will come for me, and for all those that received His word, and for all those that love Him and follow Him closely.
Know this: Our King is coming!!