Matthew 7:13-14
¹³Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it.
¹⁴For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.
Many came in through the narrow gate called Jesus, but pretty soon they switched over to the broad way of worldly pleasures.
Even worse, because many people were looking for entertainment and worldly pleasures, lots of churches started to offer this as well, with the result that there are now many people who call themselves Christians, but have no relationship with the Christ whatsoever and if they continue on the way they are now, they will no longer be able to find the narrow way.
They go to church every Sunday, but they got no more than an empty religion.
As soon as the meeting is over they hurry themselves to the sports fields to make sure they will not miss anything from the game. Or they hurry home to enjoy themselves there.
Their days are filled with all kinds of activities till next Sunday when they have some attention for their religion again.
As soon as they are outside the walls of the church building their attention changes from religion to worldly pleasures. They have a religion but no relationship. They are on the broad way.
One may wonder or these people ever had some serious thinking about the things Jesus did for them, or about what He is asking from them.
They so much want to be entertained that they even brought the entertainment into the church. And doing so they brought the world into the church, instead of bringing the message into the world.
They find themselves on the broad way.
But I like to have some fun in life I hear someone say. I like to go to the casino sometimes or to the theater or to the movies. I tell you that all those buildings have their address on the broad way.
Without realizing it, they go further and further on the broad way. I see them go. By hundreds.
Then someone tells them that the next town on this way has even better entertainment, and the girls in their shows are really beautiful. They also have nightclubs there, where you can play with the girls…
And further they go on the broad way.
The narrow way is no longer in sight.
If you recognize yourself in this, I’m here to warn you.
Go back !!!
A little further on, this way ends in the lake of fire, and demons are ready to push you over the edge where returning is no longer possible.
Go back and follow the narrow way!
Jesus is still waiting there for you.
Follow Him! He will lead you to His Father’s house. Why should you perish while an eternal life in glory is prepared for you?
Come to your mind and return now.
The way back is still open. Don’t continue on the broad way but follow Jesus.
Repent and confess your sins to Him now and follow Him.