Matthew 22:11-12
¹¹But when the king came in to look over the dinner guests, he saw a man there who was not dressed in wedding clothes, ¹²and he said to him, ‘Friend, how did you come in here without wedding clothes?’ And the man was speechless.
It is not clear if these wedding clothes were something which the guest should have brought with him, in which case we could think of good deeds etc. Pointing to a non active or dead faith.
Or if these clothes were something that was given to the guests, in which case we could think of forgiveness or grace. Pointing to a non repentant Christian who was religious but had no relationship with the Christ or the Father.
What is clear in this parable is that this guest was not ready for the event.
From the fact he was speechless we may learn that he had the opportunity to get ready;
He had the opportunity to show a living faith and help others or testify of his faith;
Or he had the opportunity to receive grace and forgiveness, but he may have thought he did not really need it.
Today, almost 2.000 years after the Christ took God’s wrath on our sins on Himself, there are still people who openly tell me “I don’t need that ‘Bible stuff’ from you, I’m okay”. But they don’t realize how far from the truth their words are, and if they don’t make a 180° turn, they one day may also stand speechless, with the worst possible consequences.
Now about you.
Are you ready to meet your creator?
Nobody knows how long we may live, or when Jesus returns.
If not, than repent from your sins now, and ask Him for forgiveness.
You still have the opportunity to get ready.