When you die, there is no more time.
You don’t know when you take your last breath.
So decide now where you want to be in eternity.
Choose Life; choose the Christ while you still can.
Maybe the rapture comes first.
Then many people will cry to accept Jesus…
but it will be too late.
After rapture those evil ministers, and fake pastors will want to plead for God’s mercy but it will be too late.
After rapture those who rejected Jesus Christ as the Son of God will cry and want to receive Christ to join the early saints, but at that moment it is too late.
After rapture those women in the Church wearing sexy clothes and makeups, attachments, and ornaments will want to repent genuinely, but it will be too late. (Deuteronomy 22:5)
After rapture those smoking and drinking alcohol in the Church saying it doesn’t matter will cry and stop doing so, but it will be too late.
After rapture those living with woman and man not being officially married, will sent them away in other to get things right with God, but it will be too late.
After rapture fornicators and adulterers will stop there way of life but it will be too late.
After rapture those using charms, and those into secret cults, will come out to get things right with God but it will be too late.
After rapture those who are going to worldly churches where the pastors allow them to do anything they like, will come out to get things right with God, but it will be too late.
After rapture gays, homosexual, lesbians, transgenders, will quit their evil arts, but it will be too late.
After rapture those worshiping their pastors, honoring them more than God Almighty, will be disappointed and stop, but it will be too late.
After rapture those who are praying in the name of false gods, will stop doing so, to follow JESUS CHRIST, but it will be too late.
After rapture those praying and worshipping images whether they called it Jesus, Mary, or anything else… they will stop and turn to the Messiah, but it will be too late.
After rapture those going to church only for miracle and prophecy will stop doing so, but it will be too late.
After rapture prostitution will stop, but it will be too late.
After rapture members in the Church that are not genuinely born again will repent and stop their evil doing in order to run away from the great tribulation, but it will be too late.
NOW is the hour to repent and get things right with God before death or rapture (John 3:16, John 3:3)
Please share this message.
May there be some souls who listen, react, and be saved.