Imagine, you want to get some money from the bank, but when you arrive there, you find out that the bank is closed.
This places you for some big problems, for you really needed that money today.
Somewhat angry you realize that a closed bank office doesn’t serve it goal.
No matter how much money you have on your account, no matter how much money is in the safe of that bank, as long as it it closed, it will be of no good to you.

Did you ever realize that the same counts for your Bible?
As long as you keep your Bible closed, as long as you keep your Bible locked up, or only have it somewhere on a shelf catching dust, it is of no good to you!
No matter how great a value is found inside of it, as long as you don’t open it, and start reading it, you will miss out on all the riches that is in it for you.
Furthermore, not reading the message in it, accepting the offer it shares with you, and doing what it says, will in the end give you much bigger problems, than a closed branch office can ever give you.
You may think you urgently needed that money, that you couldn’t withdraw from your account today, but much more urgently you need God’s message to you, that is included in the Bible.

Don’t leave your Bible somewhere on a shelf catching dust any longer, but start reading it, and find the enormous treasure in it, which is there for you too. Start reading it today!