Poor and rich
Proverbs 16:19
Better [it is to be] of an humble spirit with the lowly,
than to divide the spoil with the proud.
What is your source of significance?
This proverb challenges us to view the world upside down to the rest of culture.
▪︎ Humility and association with the lowly and oppressed are valued by God.
▪︎ Abusive power and arrogance are not.
God didn’t just give us this proverb, he sent us his Son to demonstrate it.
Now if we can only learn to live it.
Jesus does give us the opportunity to demonstrate it when he says, “Follow me!” (cf. John 13)
Prayer suggestions
- Thank the Lord for Jesus, who had power but displayed humility, who had position but identified with the abandoned, forgotten, and rejected.
- Ask God to help you to make a difference in your area by including those who are left out, forgotten, and disenfranchised.
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