1 John 3:16
We know love by this,
that He laid down His life for us;
and we ought to lay down our lives
for the brethren.
“By this we have known love, that He gave His life for us!”
Again on this day we reflect on the suffering and death of the Lord Jesus Christ. We closely follow our Lord. At every step it sounds to us: This I did for you, otherwise you would have had to die eternal death.
Do you love your neighbour? Yes, the neighbor is not short of anything.
Especially if that neighbor is lying on the temple square; somewhere on a lonely road we let him languish easily.
But do you also love your enemies? Many have laid down their lives in wartime for their friends, would you do it for enemies?
Christ does. On Calvary’s cross He hung in the place of sinners. He hung in the place for you and me. That is the deep secret of His great love for sinners.
If you come under the Word on this day, you must stand very close to that cross, with a view of the Crucified One! In this the love of God is manifested. For us!