Mark 8:12 (AV)
And he sighed deeply in his spirit, and saith,
Why doth this generation seek after a sign?
verily I say unto you,
There shall no sign be given unto this generation.
Human emotions have not been strange to the Lord Jesus.
▪︎ We see Him in the Gospels as one who rejoices in the spirit, when He sees that that which is hidden from the wise, has been revealed to the children.
▪︎ We see Him weeping at the tomb of Lazarus,
▪︎ We see Him weeping over Jerusalem’s unrepentant attitude,
▪︎ We see Him weeping in the garden of Gethsemane, over the eternal death awaiting unrepentant people,
▪︎ And now in this text we see Him sigh heavily.
We can sigh in different ways.
▪︎ A sigh of relief can escape us when imminent danger is averted.
▪︎ We may breathe a sigh of amazement at the sight or experience of a miracle of salvation or preservation.
▪︎ We can sigh with irritation,
▪︎ We can sigh in admiration for what we see,
▪︎ We can also sigh with disappointment and worry.
The latter is the case here.
Jesus sighs, yes He sighs heavily at the unrepentance of the many souls whom He sees there in their sinful lust for a sign.
In all other aspects, we note that the salvation of the soul, really touches our Lord’s heart.
Twitter: @SchoemakerHarry
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