Mark 2:16 (NASB)
When the scribes of the Pharisees saw
that He was eating
with the sinners and tax collectors,
they said to His disciples,
“Why is He eating and drinking
with tax collectors and sinners?”
During his walk on earth, the Lord Jesus aroused many times irritation among the distinguished and pious scribes.
In particular because He dealt with people who were not counted at all with them. And these offenses were caused not only because He was not afraid to speak and walk with them, but often, when invited to do so, He also went into their houses to eat and drink with them.
No wonder the devout Jews wondered, “Why is He eating and drinking with tax collectors and sinners?”
And although that was absolutely not intended, they spoke with these words a wonderful truth. For was it not exactly for sinners that He had left heaven, and came to earth, to seek and save such?
Undefiled Himself, He has never hesitated to enter such people’s houses, and bring the Gospel of liberation and redemption to them.
And, what a shame; where distinguished scribes and Pharisees hated Him, there He received love from the scorned, who opened their homes, and their hearts to Him.
Therefore, the Lord had to warn that harlots and tax collectors would precede the children of the kingdom.